1-User Monthly IPO Intel Database Subscription
A monthly IPO Intel subscription includes access to our database found in the IPO Intel Center. Important: monthly users do not have the ability to download all database tables into excel, or csv format (only annual users have access to this feature).
For more information, contact IPO Intel Subscriptions at:
Monthly plan: $100/month for 1-user. Automatic monthly renewal every 30 days from initial purchase.
Annual plan (save $200.00): $1,000.00/year for 1-user. Automatic renewal on the annual anniversary of initial purchase.
IPO Intel includes:
- Fully sortable index of IPOs dating from 2019 to current.
- Individual profile pages of all IPOs:
- Lock-ups & Quite Period dates
- IPO Calendar – all upcoming pricings
- IPO Underwriter League Tables
- Plus, additional data tables coming soon…