Live De-SPAC Discussion with Former Head of SPAC M&A
Date: Wednesday, March 17th
Time: 4:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)
On Wednesday, March 17th, at 4:30 PM (ET), we’ll be hosting Gus Garcia, former Head of BofA’s SPAC M&A on ClubHouse to discuss past, present and future de-SPAC combinations. Gus Garcia has led the combinations of ChargePoint (CHPT), Canoo (GOEV), Arclight Clean Transition Corp. (Proterra – not closed yet), Velodyne Lidar (VLDR), and NextGen Acquisition Corp. (Xos, Inc. – not closed yet).
However, it quickly became apparent that a lot you are Android users and as such, are not able to listen in (currently, only iPhone users are able to join). The ClubHouse platform is still fairly young and growing, so rather than have people miss out due to technology, we’re going to simultaneously cast this on Zoom so everyone can participate.
If you’d like to listen in via Zoom instead, you can register using the link below.