VectoIQ Files A New Presentation Allowing For Deeper Dive Into the Business Model
This morning VectoIQ, which intends to combine with Nikola Motors, filed an 8-K this morning containing a new presentation slide deck. This deck is intended to accompany the analyst day scheduled for Monday, April 6. This virtual event is for sell-side analysts with interest in covering Nikola once the deal with VectoIQ closes. At first blush, the presentation is essentially the same as the one that was released on March 3, 2020, when the business combination was announced. I could only find some slight changes to the timeline for production rollouts, with some milestones pushed out a few months.
These changes have to be expected with everything going on right now and frankly should be understandable. They also added a fifth section to the presentation called the Business Model Walkthrough (slide 38), which is a deeper dive into the key drivers and assumptions. This effort is to guide the sell-side analysts as they build their financial models. I will dig into those over the weekend and come back to you next week.