New Table Added to the Database: Vote Redemptions

SPACInsider Database subscription

New Table Added to the Database: Vote Redemptions

For subscribers that have a Database Subscription, a new table has been added and you can now find it under the main SPACs tab:  Vote Redemptions.

On the new page you will find a detailed table showing each SPAC’s redemptions at all of the extension votes as well as the completed vote.  Additional information found in the table includes:  % Redeemed, # of Public SPAC Shares Post-Vote, Trust Value Post-Vote, Redemption Price per Share, Vote Date, the combined company’s new Symbol, and the new company’s Current Share Price.

A brief snapshot of the current “Completed” category has been provided below (there is a second tab for “Searching / Announced” SPACs), but in order to view the full table, you will need to be a subscriber.

If you look at the first snapshot below (zoom in if it’s hard to read), you will see a column labeled “Total Shares Redeemed“.  This is the sum total of all shares redeemed if there was one or more redemption votes, in addition to the final completion vote.  However, you will also see green (+) buttons to the left of each SPAC.  If you click on the green button (second snapshot below) it will open up a new row that shows the total number of redemptions at each extension vote as well as the final shareholder vote to complete.

Redemptions closed tab


Redemptions open tab

Currently, the table includes all completed SPACs that IPO’d from 2015 through today.

For subscribers, you can find the new table HERE.