TPG Pace Holdings (TPGH) Shareholders Approve Business Combination


TPG Pace Holdings (TPGH) Shareholders Approve Business Combination

Nov 15, 2019 INTEL by Kristi Marvin

This afternoon, TPG Pace Holdings Corp. (TPGH), filed an 8-K detailing the results of their shareholder vote, which was held earlier today, and shareholders overwhelmingly voted “yes’ to approve TPGH’s business combination with Accel Entertainment.


As you can see in the table above, only 857,081 shares voted “No”, which is just 1.9% of the shares that voted.  The Company also announced today that it anticipates closing the transaction on Wednesday, November 20, 2019.  We don’t have a formal press release as of yet, but we should get one shortly with anticipated new symbols.  Furthermore, we’ll also most likely have to wait for additional information on number of redemptions and at what price, but for now, this is a nice result.

An update will be provided with additional details as they are released.