Tuscan Holdings Corp. II Re-files Minus One Board Member
Is anyone still left in the office today? The day before a holiday is typically pretty slow, but today feels like we’re crawling through molasses just trying to make it to 1:00 PM. However, this morning, Tuscan Holdings Corp. II (THACU) re-filed an amended S-1. None of the terms have changed, but they did remove one of their board members – Holly Zimmerman.
Holly Zimmerman, who is also a board member on Tuscan I, brought a significant amount of credibility to the Tuscan II board having significant experience in the consumer sector, so it’s unfortunate to see her gone in this latest filing. The remaining team members for Tuscan II now consist of:
Steven Vogel: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Richard O. Rieger: Chief Financial Officer
Michael Auerbach: Director
David H. Dickstein: Director
It’s still unclear as to when Tuscan II will be pricing, but as of the today, the terms remain unchanged: